The Hustle works hard to offer more than a newsletter to their 2 million subscribers by diversifying content and being a leader in innovation. The Hustle’s strategy is working, the newsletter is seeing consistent growth. Even better, The Hustle is happy to share with their subscribers the secrets behind their success. For a modern approach to business news and innovative business strategies, learn more about The Hustle newsletter and what it has to offer in our review below.

What is The Hustle?

The Hustle is an email-based newsletter that provides a fresh take on the news a young professional needs before starting their day. Each email takes roughly five minutes to digest and provides more than enough information to feel in the loop. Beyond The Hustle’s weekday email service, they deliver content through podcasts, YouTube, original blog posts, and their private service, Trends.

Podcasts: The Hustle has two podcasts, My First Million and The Hustle Daily Show. My First Million features a weekly episode that covers how you can start your own business and make your first million. The Hustle Daily Show gives you unconventional and brazen takes on current headlines, obscure business history, and notable trends.Youtube: The Hustle has more to offer through their YouTube channel. Each week viewers get entertaining stories on business and tech news. The Hustle’s YouTube channel boasts that it features new content delivered in a new way but it remains the same Hustle.Original content: On Sundays, The Hustle sends out their original stories. Sunday Stories offer a deep dive into business and technology news and history. Past Stories cover the legality of memes, the vanishing safe deposit box, and insight into how America’s top real estate agents established their empires.Trends: The Hustle Trends is the premium branch of The Hustle kingdom. Trends offers subscribers a chance to gain valuable insider knowledge, take part in Q&As with industry leaders, and network within their community of professionals.

How did The Hustle begin?

The Hustle began as an email list and entrepreneurial conference started by Sam Parr, Erik Bahn, and Elizabeth Yin. Hustle Con began in 2014 and served as a place where startups and professionals could share business strategies. Parr used email to promote Hustle Con and through the original email chain, The Hustle came into fruition. Parr’s early Hustle days featured him writing multiple stories a week and sending them out through email as he did with Hustle Con. He wanted headlines that would effortlessly trend and gave his opinions through aliases he would create. By 2016 The Hustle started to find their voice and instead of op-eds, Parr would now pivot content to business and tech news. The shift paid off and The Hustle has been seeing growth ever since. In 2019, Parr launched Trends through The Hustle and added another valuable asset to The Hustle conglomerate. Alongside the addition of Trends, The Hustle added a podcast to the mix. The Hustle began as a humble newsletter but has now built quite the empire and only continues to grow under new ownership. In just a few short years, it has established itself as one of the best newsletters.

Who owns The Hustle?

Hubspot acquired ownership of The Hustle in 2021. Hubspot is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that supports inbound marketing. Typically CRM platforms like Hubspot have a target demographic with interest in marketing and sales. However, Hubspot is taking a different route by acquiring The Hustle. With The Hustle, Hubspot now has access to a newsletter with over 2 million subscribers, two podcasts, a youtube channel, and The Hustle Trends. Hubspot sees a need for a media company to exist within a software company, not the other way around. Therefore, by acquiring The Hustle, Hubspot is able to invest in the media they feel is right for their customers.

Is there a subscription fee for The Hustle newsletter?

No, The Hustle newsletter doesn’t require a subscription fee. The Hustle offers their daily email free of charge because they believe in helping young professionals succeed. With over 2 million subscribers and a projected valuation of $27 million, The Hustle is proving their approach to free content works.

How does The Hustle make money?

The Hustle makes money through advertising and selling premium content. Readers have plenty of free content to enjoy through The Hustle and with each scroll and click through the freebies, The Hustle makes money off of ads. Aside from the traditional ad revenue, The Hustle relies on their premium busines venture, Trends. Subscribing to Trends will set youback $299 per year, and with over 15,000 subscribers, their premium service is paying off. Originally, The Hustle made money during Hustle Con and other events, such as 2X: An Evening of Storytelling. As of 2023, Hustle Con is in the past and The Hustle now promotes Hubspot events, such as the INBOUND conference.

Who reads The Hustle?

People who read The Hustle want to be in the know about business and tech news. The Hustle primarily attracts male readers, but their female readerbase follows close behind the men. However, the main demographics that read the Hustle are business professionals, startup founders, software developers, and fledgling investors. If you want to get the most out of The Hustle’s humor, references, and puns, it helps if you’re a millennial. At the very least, you should be open to embracing millennial business culture before subscribing to The Hustle.

What can readers learn from The Hustle?

There are four main lessons readers can learn from The Hustle. Firstly, The Hustle teaches their readers how to make better business decisions. Every issue outlines various business stories and news reports from past and present. Secondly, readers can learn their next business idea from The Hustle. The Hustle wants to inspire readers to grow in their respective fields. To aid in professional growth, The Hustle features tips on how to start a business from the ground floor up. Thirdly, readers can learn how to grow their business with The Hustle. The Hustle wants readers to learn how to grow their business. A successful reader means that The Hustle is doing their job and their content is beneficial. Fourthly, readers can learn about bizarre or largely unknown business factoids from The Hustle. For example, in one original post The Hustle covers the history of the Ouija board. Additional stories cover topics such as the ballpack nachos, or the economy behind pumpkins patches. Subscribers won’t find run of the mill news from The Hustle.

How does The Hustle benefit subscribers?

The Hustle benefits subscribers by providing a concise newsource that educates the reader without spamming their inbox. With The Hustle, subscribers get the news they want delivered to their inbox. There’s no need for endless scrolling, or getting distracted by an arguing comment section. The Hustle helps subscribers bypass the search for content by spoon feeding them every morning. If that isn’t enough of a benefit, The Hustle offers a free resource in the daily email that provides tips, tricks, or ideas to start or grow your company. Moreover, The Hustle benefits subscribers by giving them a break from the monotony of business and tech. The Hustle offers an upbeat and positive alternative to the traditional newsletter. Finally, The Hustle won’t spam your inbox. While they do send more than one email a day, the additional emails are infrequent.

What to expect from subscribing to The Hustle newsletter

Below are five possible results of subscribing to The Hustle newsletter.

Insight into current events: Subscribing to The Hustle will keep you up to date on the current buzzwords in business. You won’t miss a beat next time you’re catching up with colleagues on the latest ongongs of the professional world. The Hustle’s digestible format makes absorbing new content accessible, even for the busiest professionals.Obscure business and tech facts: The Hustle separates itself from other media content companies by covering obscure and unorthodox business and tech news. Subscribers get a chance to examine the more bizarre side of business in the Sunday emails or on The Hustle’s Youtube channel.Irreverent humor: The Hustle takes pride in having an irreverent sense of humor. Subscribers can expect memes, campy graphics, and lots of pun-laden headlines. The humor makes the data driven rundowns easy to read, without taking away from the information.Networking opportunities: Readers of The Hustle can expect to hear about networking opportunities through the newsletter. The Hustle offers readers a paid subscription service to a private community of business professionals called Trends. With Trends, users can navigate the business world, meet new people, and collaborate on projects.Business ideas: Subscribing to The Hustle will get your creative juices flowing and help you start your next business venture. The Hustle seeks to provide readers with both topical and offthewall business facts, history, and data. Readers get an unconventional look at the business and tech world, which helps them creatively navigate their future projects.

Subscribing to The Hustle means you can definitely expect an email every weekday morning, and then one on Sundays as well. Of couse, The Hustle isn’t above emailing outside of their normal routine to drop in and remind you of the other Hustle related content streams to choose from.

Pros and cons of The Hustle newsletter

Below are three pros and three cons of signing up for The Hustle newsletter.

Our final thoughts on The Hustle

The Hustle exists to help young professionals grow their careers and delivers bite sized portions of business and tech news. Subscribers are able to sign up for free and enjoy a quick breakdown of industry news, data reports, and outlandish humor. The daily emails provide enough information for you to confidently hold your own in a conversation about current events without endlessly scrolling for updates. Additionally, if you want to read more about the news snippets discussed in the email, you can find it with ease later on. Overall, we recommend The Hustle to our readers. There’s no harm in trying out the daily newsletter. If you don’t enjoy The Hustle, simply unsubscribe. However, if you do enjoy it, dive in and check out the podcasts and youtube for even more fun. Have you signed up for The Hustle yet? We’d love to hear more about your experience subscribing to The Hustle? Tell us more in the comments!

The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 13The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 34The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 74The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 28The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 35The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 54The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 33The Hustle Newsletter Review  A Daily Digest for Professional Success - 73