Of the nine sculptural Chocolatexture candies, four stand out to our eyes. The “tubu tubu” candy is an amalgam of small chocolate spheres that form into a cube. The “toge toge” candy is a spiky, symmetrical chocolate that would need to be tasted carefully. The “goro goro” chocolate is a cube with 12 smaller cubes removed from its shape. Last, “poki poki” is a cubic frame with empty space inside of its form. While I’m sure they’re all quite flavorful, these four are pure eye candy. The Nendo Chocolatexture candies will be produced in a limited run of 400 packages to be distributed at Maison et Objet 2015. They’ll be instant collector’s items for those who can resist the urge to eat. If you find yourself at Maison et Objet and you can grab a spare, send ’em our way, yeah? [via fastcodesign]

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