Some of us are nailed it and others experienced a great disappointment and carried their heavy lessons to the next interviews. Everyone dreads job interviews, but they are part of the process. Due to lack of experience, If we are not confident enough to express our innermost potential thoughts, a sense of nervousness and consciousness kicks in and everything we have ever learned vanishes and we become blank and fail to showcase our best skills. Sure, talking about your work experience can be a bit nerve-wracking, but there are some things you can do to help put your best foot forward. Make sure that you’re prepared with questions of your own so that you seem engaged and interested in the position. No matter how hard you try, no matter how well you dress, there is a really good chance the interviewer will still be disappointed by your performance. Job interviews are always stressful especially when you are attending your first ever interview. But if you do your research and prepare properly, you will be sure to come out on top. In this post, I researched the most common job interview questions that were asked in any company. Along with the best interview questions, I share some of the frequently asked interview questions and answers. Follow these job interview questions and interview tips to crack the recruitment process and impress your interviewer with your confidence and well-articulated communication skills. Let’s Begin, Get Hired & Be Happy! Recommended read for you: Career Guide: Best list of Highest paying jobs in the world in different industries

Common Interview Questions

Can you please share your experience (where you are from, what you have been doing until now, and why you are looking for a new opportunity)?What are you looking for in a job?What’s your dream job?What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?What are some of your job skills?What makes you a great fit for this position?What motivates you?What is your salary expectation?What are your strengths as an employee?What personal strengths do you have that will help you in your job?What’s the most challenging project you’ve worked on?What is your greatest strength?Why are you interested in this job?What is a skill that you have always wanted to learn?What do you think is most important to making a company successful?Which languages do you speak?

Behavioral Interview questions

If you could start your career all over again, what would you do differently?If you were a CEO of a fortune 500 company, what would you do?What is one thing you would change about our company?If you could ask the CEO of any company, what would you ask them?If you could go back and change one thing about the way you interviewed for your current job, what would it be?If you could interview anyone in the world, who would it be?What is the first thing you would do if you found out you got the job?If you could go back to any time in your life, when would it be?If you were to start a company, what would it be?What do you think makes a good employee?If you landed the job, what would be your first project?What kind of job do you want to have in the future?What was the most embarrassing question you were asked in an interview? In that situation, what did you do?How have you tried to stand out from the crowd in your job search?What do you do to ensure you are ready for the next big job opportunity?What is the most interesting company you would like to work for?If you could recommend anyone for a job opening, who would it be and why?

Always preparing answers for the common interview questions and asking detailed questions about the job description is the key to build  But if you’re not comfortable or confident in answering certain questions try to divert the attention to your skills and strengths. After the interview look up the job description and review the job posting. This will give you a better idea on how you did during your interview.

Top interview questions

How would you handle a situation that required you to work with someone who has a very different personality from yours?What would be your dream job?What was the most surprising thing about you that no one ever knows?What is your USP? (Unique selling point)How would you describe your past work experience?How would someone describe you in 3 words?What do you see in your future career?What is something you would never compromise on when it comes to a job?How do you think your experience will help in this job?What do you wish you knew before starting your career?What is the most interesting job you’ve applied for and why?Have you ever been asked a question in an interview that made you really uncomfortable?If this job doesn’t work out, what would be your backup plan?What can we do to make you want to come and work for us?What is the biggest mistake you have made in the last year?What do you think is the most important trait of a good leader?

First Interview Questions

What questions do you have for me?Why are you interested in this job?What did you learn from your internship?What is it like starting a new job?What is the job position you are looking for?What is the hardest part about being unemployed?How has your study and work experience prepared you for this position?

Second Interview Questions

What was your first job?What is the biggest mistake you have made in a job interview?Why did you want to make this career change?How long have you been looking for a job?What was your last job interview like?What is the most memorable job you’ve ever had?What is the biggest mistake you have made in your career?What are some other jobs you have had in the past?What is a typical day at your previous company?How do you feel about the job market?

Killer second interview questions

What was the most challenging experience you’ve had with a previous employer?What is the most important skill you have learned in your last job?How have you improved your interviewing skills?Why is the job you are applying for a good fit with your interests, skills, and experience?What were the three most important benefits you were looking for in a new job?How many jobs have you had in the past 5 years?Since you have been unemployed, what have you done to find a job?What made you interested in working for our company?What are the reasons you left your last job?What did you like and dislike about your last job?Thinking back to when you first started working, what was the strangest question an employer asked during an interview?

Situational interview questions

What was a time you had to adapt your style or behavior in order to succeed in a particular situation?How would you deal with a co-worker who was consistently late?If you could do one thing over, what would it be?Do you think that your past experiences have prepared you for this interview? How so?How can you contribute to making this company a better place for its employees and customers?What will you say to a manager if he/she is not listening to your suggestions?How would describe yourself to people you met for the first time?If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?Have you ever had to interview for a job? What did you do differently then what the interviewer expected?How do you think your experience at this company will be different from other companies?What is your favorite “situation” song?What do you think is the hardest part about being an entrepreneur?What is the most difficult part about working with children?How would you handle an employee who is not performing?What types of situations have you found yourself in that you’ve had to adapt and learn from?What do you like to do for fun?What would you do if you were to lose your job?What is the most difficult problem you have faced in your life and how did you solve it?What is the first thing you would do if you were to take over the company?What would you do if your boss assigned a task that was not in your job description?

Best Interview Questions

Is it difficult for you to find a job?How would you describe yourself as a worker?What are you passionate about?What do you think your boss would say is your greatest strength? Weakness?How did you get into your current position?What was your job interview experience like?How did you prepare for your interviews?What is your favorite job you’ve had?What is the question/challenge you are most afraid to answer during an interview?What are your top three interview questions that you ask potential employees?What was your best job?What is your first memory of a job interview?If you could, what would be your dream job?

Leadership interview questions

Leadership is the art of influencing and inspiring people. You don’t get very far without the right team. People inspire other people, But a good leader inspires and influences his followers to achieve their goals.  Here are the best list of leadership job interview questions you need to prepare for and nail the interview effortlessly.

How do you define leadership and what does it mean to you?What can you do to get your team fired up constantly?What advice would you give to a person seeking to become a leader?When was a time you were proud of your leadership?Who or what inspires you?How do you show your employees that you care about them?What skills do you need to lead your small team? What are some good qualities of a great leader?How have you been a leader in your work and/or personal life?If you were to write a book about leadership, what would it be called and what would its central premise be?What was your first leadership experience?What leadership qualities do you have and how will they benefit your supervisor?What leadership qualities do you have and how will they benefit your supervisor?What leadership qualities do you have and how will they benefit your supervisor?What do you do that is not on your resume, but would be helpful for the job?What was a time you had to lead in an intense situation?If you could tell your past self one thing about leadership, what would it be?What can you offer to our company?What one thing would you do to make your company better?What do you think it takes to be a good leader?What is your leadership style?How have you grown as a leader (either at work or in your personal life)?What kind of leadership do you like to inspire or follow?What would you say is the most important thing you have learned from your role as a leader so far?What is the major difference between managing your own team verses being managed by someone else?What do you see as your role in this company?What would you say are your strong attributes that will make you a great leader?What would you do if you were in my shoes?How did you go about determining the type of job that you wanted?How would you describe your work ethic?What are some of the things that you would do if you were me?How do you feel about moving to a new city for this job?

Good Interview Questions

What do you wish you knew about your job before you started?What do you think is the best trait that you would like to be proud of?What interests you most about this job?How did you prepare for your job interview?What are the top 3 things you would like to get out of this job?Why did you decide to apply for this role?What are your top 3 skills?What do you think is the best part about working for ?What is the most interesting and exciting project you are currently working on?What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned about the company you’re applying to?

Most common interview questions

How are you different now than 5 years ago and how do you see yourself in 5 years from now?What are the biggest challenges you have faced?What was your last job and why did you leave?Why do you want to work for our company?What is your ideal job?What are some of the strengths you bring to this company?What are your career goals?What would you say is the best part about being in this job role?What qualities do you have that will make you a valuable employee?What questions do you have about the position?What are your three biggest accomplishments?

HR interview questions

What are your values, morals and ethics in life?How honest are you? Can you prove it within 1 minute?Is there any unique philosophy about you?How would your co-workers describe you?What is the most difficult decision you have ever had to make?What is the most important thing you have learned from a customer?What is the most memorable/impactful experience you had with a boss?What do you think is the most effective way to learn a new language?What do you plan to do with your degree?What does it mean to work hard in life?What position do you think perfectly apt for your skills?

Difficult interview questions

If you were to give advice for an interviewer, what would it be?When did you realize that you wanted to pursue a career in the field of [whatever your major is]?How can a company be sure that you will not leave for another job offer?What are you really good at?Why is this job the right fit for you?What one thing would you change about your job, if you could?How important is it for you to be a part of a team?Tell me about a time you had to speak in front of a large group?What is your greatest success outside the workplace?When you hear “interview”, what is the first thing that comes to mind?What makes you different than other candidates?

Technical interview questions

Consider I’m not a tech person, can you explain a relevant technology in simple way?What online resources you use to do your work?What is new technology you would like to learn?Do you have any predictions about how technology is going to take over the world?What are the latest innovations you have participated in and did you create any of your own technology that we can use in our company?What is the best way to learn a new programming language?How many years of experience do you have?What technical certifications do you have?What kind of technology do you use in your life that has changed how you operate?What skills have you developed while at your last job that have helped you in your current position?Do you think technical ability is more important than the soft skills when it comes to getting an entry level job?

College interview questions

What is the main reason you want to work for us?What is something you did in college that you would not have done if it weren’t for your major?What was the first job you ever had?What was your biggest accomplishment in college?What is a time you got upset? How did you handle it?Why did you choose to attend the University of XXXX?What do you think makes a college experience great?What was the most interesting or impressive thing that you did in college?What was your favorite class in college?How do you feel your communication skills are?How do you feel about your college experience?What is your favorite book or movie?

Interview questions about deadlines

Interview questions about planning and organizing

Funny interview questions

Basic interview questions

What is the best interview question you were ever asked?What would you do for a living if you weren’t doing what you are doing now?What is the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done in an interview?What have your previous employers said are the strengths and weaknesses you should work on?Which interview question was the toughest that you’ve ever faced?What was the most dangerous situation you have been in?What is the biggest obstacle you faced and how long did it take you to deal with?What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about life?What types of questions do you hope to get asked?What is the best career advice you have ever received?

Interview questions about remote working

What do you think about the idea of working from home?If you could work from anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?What is the difference between working at a remote company and a conventional office?Are you happy working remotely?What would you say to people who are trying to leave their jobs and find remote work?What is your favorite tool to use for remote working? Why do you like it?What was your favorite job in the past and why?What’s the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?What type of company would you not want to work for?Will you be working remotely at times? If so, how will you stay productive and focused?What are the best tips you can give to people who want to live and work remotely?What are the best practices for working remotely?Do you think companies should be more open to remote workers?What do you look for in a remote team?What are your thoughts on remote work?What is the most important thing for you to do before a day of remote work?What are the challenges when working remotely?What do you see as the benefits of working remotely?What is your favorite part about working remotely?Why do you want to work remotely?Have you ever worked remotely before?

Sample interview questions

When you are at a job interview, what part of the job interview do you find most stressful?What is your biggest job hunting mistake?What’s the biggest misperception of working for someone?What are the top 3 things you would like to improve in your personal life?How has your interview preparation process changed in the last year?What is your current job?What is the most interesting job that you’ve ever had?Do you have any questions for me?Do you have a favorite interview question?Tell me about your job search process?Which interview question did you like the least?What’s a question you hate being asked in an interview?

Interview questions about writing skills

Typical interview questions

What is an example of a time when you had to work with someone who wasn’t very good at his/her job?What makes this position unique for you?What type of work do you enjoy doing the most?How would your friends describe you?If you were to re-do this interview, what questions would you ask me?What is the biggest mistake you made in your job search?How do you feel about your job search at this time?When you are going for a job interview what is the one thing you dread most?What is the most important thing that you have learned thus far in your young career?

Interview questions keeping confidentiality

Interview questions about motivation

Practice interview questions

What is it that you want to do most in your life?What is your motivation to work here?How do you feel your education has prepared you for the workforce?What are some of the top three reasons why you want to work in this industry?What are the things that you are looking for in a job?What do you think companies can do to increase interviewee’s comfort level?What was the hardest part of starting your company?What is the hardest part of your job?What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Great interview questions

How many times have you been laid off or fired?Are you looking for a new job?How much time do you spend on average preparing for a job interview?How did you prepare for this job interview?What is the worst job you have ever had?What is the most exciting thing about your job?What is the worst job interview you’ve ever had?What was your favorite interview question?What is the most frustrating part of job searching?What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done in an interview?

Interview questions about data

Unique interview questions

Do you feel like your job is more demanding than it was a year ago? Do you think that the workplace will be changing within the next 10 years? What would you do if your co-workers were distracted by a co-worker and you had to take over his/her duties? How involved do you think the employee should be in the company’s decision making? Do you feel like you have a lot of autonomy at your job? How easy or difficult is it for you to be away from family and friends?  What do you like about where you work? Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.